Purchase group is a solution that is more common on the Polish market.

Each entrepreneur leading their own business is looking for solutions enabling to reduce costs associated with operation of the company, and at the same time to provide products and services at the highest level. Strong competition and presence of large entities with established reputation in the market is the additional element, which requires clever strategy of action. One of them is creation of purchase groups along with other entrepreneurs, which in Poland gain more popularity.
Creating purchase groups consists in establishing the mutual cooperation among many enterprises, which mutually generate the demand or make joint purchases via one of companies involved in the association. Purchase groups are so-called associations of the buyers, which enable to achieve economies of scale by uniting purchase needs into one collective order. The purpose of creating purchase groups is a possibility to achieve greater assertiveness while negotiating the conditions for cooperation, logistics and purchase of goods in much fair prices.

Purchase groups are usually created by small and medium-sized companies, which independently could not get good conditions for cooperation with suppliers. This can be a great way to reduce the cost of conducting business activity, which is especially important in terms of large and strong competition on the market. Of course, it is necessary to remember that creation of purchase groups requires very specialized knowledge from different fields and experience in conducting this type of projects. However, organized by the qualified entity can bring tangible benefits to all members. The advantage of this solution is certainly maintaining large company’s independence, as well as access to many new goods and services, and thus possibility to extend its offer. Lower price of purchased goods and services causes that the profitability of conducted business activity increases. Since purchase groups cooperate only with reliable suppliers, the risk of not comply with the agreement by distributors is significantly reduced. The entrepreneurs belonging to the purchase group do not have to search independently for suppliers or to negotiate the contractual terms. Thanks to that they can devote more time to development of their activity, implementation of innovation, or extending the offer of products or services.
In order to face requirements of the unusually competitive market and needs of customers, we offer a professional and comprehensive service that includes creating purchase groups. We specialize in industries: IT, hydraulic, interior design, automotive and electronic. Our specialists have extensive experience in negotiating favorable terms of agreements with distributors, and their knowledge allows for selection of the best solution. Thanks to that our customers can create a competitive offer, reduce costs of business activity, and at the same time obtain larger income. In times, when the requiring market and presence of large companies with nationwide reach are threatening the existence of little enterprises, creation of purchase groups is for them a great chance. Our professionalism, knowledge and experience in this field are a guarantee to obtain the best possible conditions of the agreement with suppliers, thereby increasing the profitability of companies and providing development possibilities. We encourage all business owners interested in cooperation to contact us – we guarantee service of the highest level, expert assistance and full professionalism in leading purchase groups.
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